Subsidized finance includes a whole series of interventions, at national, regional or local level, offering financial tools to companies, with cheaper conditions than the market rates, aimed at encouraging the implementation of new projects, making new investments or hiring more employees.
The aim of subsidized finance is to promote the development of the National entrepreneurial fabric, increasing the competitiveness of existing companies and improving the creation of new business realities.
To achieve these goals, we make use several tools: loans with subsidized rates, tax credit, grants and venture capital investments.
Most of the public funds are intended for small and medium companies, innovative start-ups, female entrepreneurs and young entrepreneurs under 35 years of age.
Subsidized finance: non repayable loans
The non-repayable loan, also know as capital increase, is the most known among subsidized funding.
Cut rate loans: subsidized funding
The cut rate loans are a kind of funding with variable duration, granted by public authority, by a bank or both, under co-ownership.
This loan has a lower interest rate than the market (about 0,5%, therefore close to zero).
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